Meteor Workshop

NodeJS Primer

About node.js

Node is a platform built on the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine.

It allows developers to write server side components using the same JavaScript platform that is used by the client (on browsers).

It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it ideal for developing real-time applications for distributed devices.

It has since been used to create or complement numerous web application frameworks to create an all-JavaScript full-stack environment for developers.

node.js and io.js

Node has traditionally been maintained by one entity (Joyent) with significant contributions from the open source community.

In Nov 2014, a splinter group in favor of more open governance for Node forked it into a new distribution called io.js.

The move made headlinesand some key startups and software developers are already favoring it. Workshops

Numerous tutorials exist for node, but version is an officially recommended place to start for self or group study.

To work through these tutorials, you MUST have installed Node and the Node package manager (npm) before you begin.

You also need a good code editor (e.g., Sublime Text, WebStorm).

In addition, you may need to install other software or tools for some sections:

  • Install Git (or GitHub)